A special report by
Alan Inglis, M.D., "America's Country Doctor"
Introducing a delicious treat that comes with my blessing!
Here's pure chocolate you can eat by the handful and feel good about it!
Introducing a rich chocolate treat that's heart
healthy, cholesterol-FREE and has 540% MORE antioxidant power than organic Blueberries!
I'm the first person to admit it: I LOVE chocolate! In fact, I try new chocolates all of the time, always searching for the best of the best.
But 99.9% of the chocolate you might pick up at the grocery store, convenience store or movie theatre is pure junk.
In fact, I wouldn't feed most of the "name-brand" stuff to my worst enemy!
Milk chocolate, in particular, is full of sugar, and quite often high in fructose corn syrup. What little chocolate it contains is usually "Dutch" processed -- meaning alkali has been added to cut acidity and darken the color.
Even most so-called "dark" chocolate is just as often Dutch processed, and has loads of added sugar!
The result: a sugary, greasy, goopy, calorie-laden mess that will make you fat and stick to your arteries like wallpaper paste!
By the time you bite into most chocolate bars, nearly all of the super-healthy benefits Mother Nature gave the cacoa bean are long gone.
And that's a crying shame, because let me tell you: "Real deal" chocolate is not only delicious and satisfying, it's loaded with more health benefits than you can shake a stick at.
Revealed: Chocolate you
can eat by the handful!
That's why I'm writing you today. I've found a special kind of chocolate that's fit for the gods -- literally. (The Mayan people considered chocolate sacred and used it in their religious ceremonies... But beyond being heavenly, this chocolate is actually healthy!)
And when I say healthy, I mean HEALTHY! This chocolate has everything -- it's minimally processed, has no added fat and only 2 grams of sugar, it's bursting with antioxidants (more on that in a moment) and it tastes GREAT!
The name of my latest discovery is Dagoba Chocolate Nibs. And, I'm pleased to say, I've managed to secure a supply of these delicious, pure chocolate nibs for you.
Now, before I explain just why this chocolate is so special, and so healthy for you (in addition to being so satisfying), I do want to say up front that I was only able to get a limited supply.
So, after you discover all it has to offer and decide you'd like to try some (100% satisfaction guaranteed, of course), you'd best be quick about it. As you'll soon find out, fresh-roasted cacoa nibs from the tiny, family-farmed cacoa plantations in the shrinking rainforests are very hard to get your hands on.
What the heck are chocolate "nibs"?
Most of us eat our chocolate in bars, drops, and other forms of candy -- like the chocolate chips in cookies.
Any chocolate you get that way is virtually certain to be highly processed and full of sugar and additives.
Chocolate "nibs," on the other hand, are almost as close to eating the cacoa bean as you can get, other than crunching down on a whole pod.
You see, the cacoa "bean" is really a pod, and inside are small "nibs." These bits are what cacoa actually comes from. Every piece of chocolate you've eaten started its life as a nib.
But what most people don't know is that you can eat chocolate nibs raw or roasted, just as they are. And that's exactly what Dagoba Chocolate Nibs are -- the pure heart of cacoa, gently roasted and then sweetened with natural cane juice to unlock the taste of chocolate as nature intended.
Pure, 100% cacoa in every mouthful!
Dagoba isn't any old cacoa, either. It meets my strict criteria for chocolate: I look for chocolate that has plenty of pure cacoa -- as close to 100% as possible to get maximum health benefits (more on that in just a minute).
I also look for chocolate that is pure, 100% natural, and minimally processed to maintain that healthy goodness.
Dagoba gently roasts the cacoa bean and then crushes the nibs. The result is something that resembles crushed nuts. They're perfect for eating out of your hand, or in any recipe that calls for nibs. (Mix some in a batch of brownies instead of walnuts and watch kids and adults go wild!)
Dagoba Nibs and Toast
Toast to perfection: Whole grain toast
Spread With: Organic Peanut, Cashew or Almond butter Sprinkle With: Freshly ground Salba seeds
Top with: Dagoba cacao nibs
A friend of mine loves sprinkling them on peanut butter toast. (In fact, I've included her recipe.) And my personal favorite? Sprinkling on homemade vanilla ice cream or orange sherbet!
So...how does it taste? I've tasted nibs that are downright bitter -- probably because the cacoa was inferior to begin with, or it was roasted too long. Like coffee beans, if you apply too much heat, the cacoa is ruined.
Dagoba nibs are perfectly roasted, for a rich, dark taste. They are then soaked in freshly pressed cane juice to provide a slightly sweetened taste. They don't have the very sugary taste that many of us expect in chocolate. So if you're looking for that super sweet, mild, milk-chocolate flavor, you'll be surprised.
Instead, what you get is a pure, almost nutty chocolate flavor, because Dagoba nibs are pure cacoa bean pieces -- literally, the heart of the cacoa bean. If you already love dark chocolate, you'll really love these nibs.
But even more than the taste, the percentage of pure cacoa is critically important when it comes to health benefits (especially for your heart!).
Pure, fresh chocolate is one of the
healthiest treats on earth!
If you're a regular reader of my newsletter, you know I've written reams on the benefits of chocolate. Here are some highlights...
Chocolate: Nature's "health" food treat
Recent studies on chocolate show it's bursting with important nutrients that benefit everything from your heart to your mood. (Keep in mind -- the research revealing all these benefits was on premium dark chocolate, not the highly processed, mass produced, cheap, sugary junk you find in most supermarkets and movie theater concession stands.)
Good, pure chocolate is chock full of flavonoids, which are some of the most powerful antioxidants on earth. And that's the key to their natural goodness. Take a look at these facts:
CHOCOLATE FACT #1: High in antioxidants
Ounce for ounce, chocolate is one of the richest food sources of these crucial substances. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals--rogue oxygen molecules that can accelerate aging and the problems that come with it.
CHOCOLATE FACT #2: Rich in valuable micronutrients
Chocolate supplies meaningful amounts of potassium, zinc, magnesium and iron.
CHOCOLATE FACT #3: Cholesterol "neutral"
Chocolate has been found to help promote healthy cholesterol levels. And, believe it or not, the fat found in chocolate is "cholesterol neutral," meaning that it doesn't have a negative effect on cholesterol levels.
CHOCOLATE FACT #4: Good for blood pressure
People who ate just over 3 ounces of premium quality dark chocolate each day for two straight weeks had an easier time maintaining healthy blood pressure, according to one study. And, according to a 2003 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, chocolate helped promote healthy blood pressure levels in the subjects studied. Chocolate helps relax blood vessels so blood can flow through them easier.
CHOCOLATE FACT #5: A safe, mild stimulant
Chocolate actually has relatively little caffeine, but many people notice a quick increase in alertness and improvement in mood that can last hours after eating.
My ticket for good health: Dagoba Nibs!
Now, to be responsible, I also have to say that too much of the wrong kind of chocolate means too many calories. A 3.5-ounce bar can tack on 500 or more calories to your daily diet.
But that makes Dagoba's Nibs even better for you. They are the heart of cacoa beans -- 100% cacoa, no added calories from fat, and just 2 grams of sugar per serving.
That's why, for my money, Dagoba can't be beat. And, when it comes to quality, there's even more good news:
They buy all of their cacoa from small, family-run rainforest plantations.
They're absolutely committed to full-circle, sustainable agriculture. That means that they care as much about the financial health of the family farmers and the plantations as they do their bottom line. That means a lot to me.
Taste. Dagoba wins the prize for what good chocolate should taste like ....
Now, if you enjoy chocolate as much as I do, you're going to love this introductory offer...
Don't spend another nickel on inferior chocolate!
If you want pure enjoyment... don't spend another nickel on inferior chocolate!
Sure, you may be able to buy so-called "gourmet" chocolates locally. But I guarantee they won't come anywhere near to Dagoba's quality or freshness.
Why spend your hard-earned money for less than the best? If I know one thing as I get older, I want only the best. Each box of Dagoba contains 4 ounces of chocolate - bursting with all of the antioxidant goodness and flavor I've described.
Stock Up on Dagoba and Shipping is FREE
For the time being, you can stock up on six or more delicious packages of Dagoba nibs -- plenty to enjoy and share with family and friends -- and we'll pay shipping. That's right: FREE SHIPPING on orders of 6 packages or more.
Our Good Neighbor Guarantee of Satisfaction
I'm a country boy at heart and I believe in being completely straight up with people. That's why I'm backing Dagoba Nibs with my famous Good Neighbor Guarantee: If you don't thoroughly enjoy your Dagoba Nibs, I don't want you to pay.
There is no time limit on my Good Neighbor guarantee!
I don't care if you've gone through the entire package of Nibs. (If you're not thrilled with them, just send me back the unused portion and I'll refund every penny -- less shipping and handling -- no hard feelings.)
Why not stock up on GOOD Chocolate that's GOOD for you...
before we run out?
There isn't much Dagoba chocolate. Because they insist on buying cacoa grown on small, family-run plantations, there isn't much of it.
And as word about all of the health benefits (and great taste!) of Dagoba's nibs get out, I expect their limited supply will sell out quickly. After all...
Per ounce, chocolate has more antioxidants than fruits, vegetables, tea or wine.
In fact, 1.5 oz of quality, pure dark chocolate contains as much antioxidants as 5 oz of red wine.
Dark chocolate has twice the antioxidants of milk chocolate.
Pure cacoa (nibs) has almost twice the antioxidants of dark chocolate.
First come, first served
You can see all the reasons Dagoba Nibs are one indulgence you really shouldn't do without! Each box of Dagoba contains 4 ounces of chocolate - bursting with all of the antioxidant goodness and flavor I've described. I'll bet you'll be back for more!
It's surely the most guilt-free treat you'll ever enjoy.
Yours truly,
Alan Inglis, MD
Pure Country Naturals